
Inventory Module

Here are key features of the Inventory Module in ZipERP:

ZipERP allows users to manage and organize their inventory across multiple locations or warehouses. It provides tools for transferring stock between locations, tracking stock movements, and conducting stock counts or audits.

The inventory module enables businesses to maintain a real-time view of their inventory levels, including stock quantities, locations, and values. It helps track stock movements, monitor stock levels, and set reorder points to prevent stockouts or overstocking.


•  Bar code enabled tracking
•  Multiple Item categories and groups supported
•  Multiple units of items can be maintained
•  Compound units for items
•  Batch number and serial number auto/manual generation
•  Expiry control and warranty tracking
•  Configurable attributes supported for item variants
•  Images, specifications and technical drawings can be attached
•  Tax data for item groups as well as item level
•  Issue of indents
•  Record of goods issued, goods received and goods inspected
•  Maintain stock journal and stock transfer