
Accounting Module

The accounting module in an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a core component that handles financial transactions, bookkeeping, and financial reporting for a business. It serves as the central hub for managing and tracking financial data, providing businesses with a comprehensive view of their financial health and facilitating accurate and efficient financial management.

The accounting module typically includes various sub-modules and functionalities that cater to different aspects of financial management. Some common features found in the accounting module of an ERP system include:


• Configuration of chart of accounts
• Unlimited number of account groups
• Multiple voucher types with auto/manual numbering
• Predefined narration entry
• Drill down facility
• Exporting data from external sources like excel sheets etc.
• Simple and easy to use TDS module
• Graphical interface for cheque printing
• Bank pay In slip generation for cheque management
• Bill settlement for payment and receipt against bills and their interest calculation
• Bank and ledger reconciliation
• Multiple voucher, accounts and reports printing
• Assets Management
• Interbranch Accounting